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Risk and Compliance Recovery Services

With large companies having to struggle with procurement and employee IT self service application registrations, over 60% of applications are still have to be processed by procurement. We offer risk and compliance recovery services in the field of IT procurement solutions which automated the registration of applications. Standards operating procedures and processing risk management to realign company standards with industry standards. 

This approach instead of what the large IT solutions providers can establish by lift and shifting the IT sector into a within reasonable compliance score, is a more customer centric approach. By realigning the liability to a more segregated role and responsibility challenge we ensure the large IT solutions providers can remain within the current market capital exposure. This without having to capitalize on a large amount of legal procedures or industries having to reinvest their exposure to the large IT solution providers.

  • Security and Compliance services 

  • Internal process compliance assessment

  • Operational Transaction and Processing Risk Management

  • Process documentation and compliance standards

  • ISO Standard operating procedures implementation

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